Friday 15 November 2019


Nowadays, it can be determined that the social issues among youth have become the major problem and concern of the country. The social issue is concentrated more on the alcoholism among youth. Alcohol use during late childhood and adolescence can lead to poor performances in academics, as well as social and emotional disturbances and often leads to high-risk behavior and impairment psychosocial development. The taxes on alcohol beverages collected for the year 1996 to RM817 million from RM769 million in 1994.  Similarly, in 1995 there were 2360 public premises to sell alcoholic drinks but in 1996 this number of public premises number has been doubled.  In Malaysia, the legal age for alcohol consumption is 21 for non-Muslim. Most Muslims abstain from alcohol because it is forbidden by their religion as it is illegal to sell and buy alcohol for Muslims. Furthermore, young people are more likely to exceed the daily benchmark 36% of men aged 16-24 and 37% of women aged 16-24. However, heavy alcohol consumption will lead to further social problems such as vandalism, bully, sexual assault and suicide. It also can encourage youths to engage in vandalism or other criminal acts and at the same time, the sexual act can happen to the young generation.

The solution to alcoholic among youth is as a young generation you to get to know about your friends. If one of your friends drink alcohol or use drugs. Try to stay away from your friend and try to get a better friend. Provide support which together with your friend's praise and encouragement when your teen succeeds. A strong bond between you and your teen might help prevent your teen from using drugs. As parents want to make sure that our kids do not drink alcohol is a first sudden or extreme change in friends, eating habits, sleeping patterns, physical appearance, coordination or school performance. Second is irresponsible behavior, poor judgment and general lack of interest. The third is our kids keep breaking rules or withdrawing from the family and lastly the presence of medicine containers, despite a lack of illness, or drug paraphernalia in your kid's room. If that happens to our kids please be start seeking help for your kids which is Talk to your kids. You can never intervene too early. Casual drug use can turn into excessive use or addiction and cause accidents, legal trouble, and health problems. Be encourage honesty to your kids to speak calmly and express that you are coming from a place of concern. Share specific details to back up your suspicion. Verify any claims your kids make. Focus on the behavior, not the person. Emphasize that drug use is dangerous but that doesn't mean your kids are a bad person. Check-in regularly as a parent need to spend more time with your kid, know your kid whereabouts, and ask questions after they return home. And lastly what parents need to do is get professional help cause when you think your kids are involved in significant drug use, contact a doctor, counselor or other health care provider for help.

As part of youth now I can see for my self-reflection that may it leads to important insights into my life which if I never reflect on the things that happen to me, it will be hard for you to learn anything from these events. It could mean that I always keep making the same mistakes repeatedly. It also helps me be part of the process of becoming successful cause one of the things that are almost certain to happen to me while trying to achieve my goals is that I will face failure. Some people just give up when things start to go wrong, but the most successful people in life are those who know how to deal with failure. These people did not get to where they never falling down; it is their ability to keep on getting up that gives them their advantage. Part of this is learning from what happened – for this to occur, it is necessary to reflect on the situation. Dealing with failure is part of the process of success, so learning to reflect is a vital skill. Other than, it gives I will be a better perspective on my life, why I said that cause if one of the most dangerous things that can happen to me in recovery is that I will begin to experience a lack of purpose. This can easily happen if I just become caught up in the demands of day-to-day living. And lastly, it will make it increases my happiness levels cause it will be reflected in my life are likely to feel more fulfilled and generally happy. This is because of the perspective they get on things as well as the fact that they have greater insight into my own life. The act of reflection is also satisfying once I get into the habit of doing it.

Here the song about self-control... hope you guys just enjoy this song

Terima Kasih Daun Keladi, Lain kali Maimai lagi :D

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